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Fanfics de Final Fantasy

The cursed werewolf of Star Ocean

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction The cursed werewolf of Star Ocean
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 19
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Gay / Yaoi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Suspense, Terror e Horror
Could this day get any worse? Your sister hates you, the rest of the family dead. And now your cursed? Well things aren't looking up for you at all. And that's exactly what Cloud thought when he one day found out that he was cursed to become a werewolf of a long lost legend. Especially when he found out that he was also dying from an unnatural disease that is known to have no cure. Except for one- kill the one you love the most and drink thier blood by midnight on the eve of the blood moon. Only then you will be cured. But is that what Cloud really wants? Especially when he doesn't have anyone to care for anyway? Certainly not. He already lost his sister Tifa when she decided to get married to some jerk and then he finds out his best friend is out to kill him. Nothing worse could happen right? Wrong. Dead wrong. Especially when he finally decides to leave his world behind and go to a deserted island. Or at least he thought it was until he finds out that there is someone who is to cursed with the same fate. A young girl with the power of many and nothing to hold her back from using it. But all that changes when Cloud finds himself falling in love with the girl who is said to be the bringer of death. And now he has someone to protect and a curse to finally destroy.

But can he really do it without taking her life? Or will he too succumb to the darkness that is starting to take hold?
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Lightning's Hero (Prequel To Cloud's Sorrow.).

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction Lightning's Hero (Prequel To Cloud's Sorrow.).
Em andamento
Capítulos 3
Palavras 9.395
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Gay / Yaoi, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
Well... Here is the thing. You don't have technically read it in this order, but here's the thing. This little drama is going to be in a trilogy now. Yep. You heard right. It will be in a trilogy.
Story for this one is: It is three weeks after Benevalze was "officially" defeated by Lightning and her co savior, Alex (just deal that she will be in here in these kinda a lot. Except this one. Mentioned yes. But not really in it though.), and things in thier New World couldn't be anymore peaceful. But of course that doesn't last long as Reno's new hunger takes over and a new threat emerges. Causing the Pulse People to fear the worst, as a large crystal comes crashing down and entraps Cloud's sister inside and locks her away in the mountains of The Forgotten City. The only hint to get her out before she to goes down a darkened just like Cloud's mentor Sephiroth, only two- Yes only two can make this perilous journey to get the girl out before her new power emerges. And the only warning they have is that they only can rely on the physical strength of eachother and the verbal encouragement of thier dear friends who have thier own problems to deal with. How will Cloud and Lighting react when they are the chosen ones that are up for the task?
Well... Only problems can emerge with two people that are both silent and stubborn as hell.
Especially since one makes it his sworn duty to protect his best friend and only remaining family.
While the other- Makes it her goal to get her own hero of thier own pit of guilt and darkness.
Only death and pain can surely follow...
But can these two actually make it?
Or will they already be to late?
Stay tuned to find out...
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Strange Game Life

escrita por Yuri_Hime_Plise
Fanfic / Fanfiction Strange Game Life
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 405
Idioma Português
Categorias Amor Doce, AnticLove, Class Trip Crush, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystal, Kid Icarus
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Literatura Erótica, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Universo Alternativo
Você já imaginou um dia você acordar num estranho mundo onde só há jogos? Não. Nem Mei imaginava que isso iria acontecer.
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Morpheus Final Fantasy II: Caçado por Aliados.

escrita por MrRaphael56
Fanfic / Fanfiction Morpheus Final Fantasy II: Caçado por Aliados.
Capítulos 25
Palavras 28.347
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Musical (Songfic), Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense

"agora que Morpheus está no Planeta Terra, é só uma questão de tempo até o mundo desmoronar por completo...
Ele apenas está esperando o seu poder total ser restaurado, para começar o caos.''

Essas foram as palavras de Sur...

Os Guerreiros da Luz... Precisam nos ajudar... urgente...

Após 8 luas o caos caíra sobre o mundo, os 5 jovens deverão encontrar de uma vez os últimos 3 tesouros Lendários para finalmente o combate contra Morpheus ter inicio, até ele não se sabe os desafios que enfrentarão, mas de uma coisa é certa... Eles sempre terão a vitoria

Esperamos que assim seja... Caso o Contrário...


Morpheus Final Fantasy II
Caçado por Aliados.
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A garota das flores

escrita por Murasame
Fanfic / Fanfiction A garota das flores
Capítulos 10
Palavras 12.238
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Drama / Tragédia, Mistério
A fic conta a história de uma garota que para seu azar é perseguida por vilões,
no qual querem usá-la para obterem poder,ou apenas conquista,por sua
sorte ela irá encontrar um jovem rapaz que a ajudará,e que pode mudar a sua vida
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Glen's Roar

escrita por Sieghart
Fanfic / Fanfiction Glen's Roar
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 2.819
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy
As atividades dos jardins vão mal, Squall acredita em um garoto estranho, o garoto sabe rugir como um leão com sua espada.
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Reino dos Corações

escrita por KeyMaster
Fanfic / Fanfiction Reino dos Corações
Em andamento
Capítulos 8
Palavras 7.810
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Fantasia, Magia / Misticismo, Saga
Quando a escuridão se apodera dos corações dos seres humanos e as estrelas do céu se apagam uma após a outra, é hora de um herói entrar em ação. Para garantir o triunfo das forças do bem, esse campeão precisa aprender a controlar os poderes de uma chave misteriosa enquanto empreende de uma jornada extraordinária por diferentes mundos. Para ajudá-lo, ele com duas extravagantes figuras que estão em busca de seu rei desaparecido.
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S w e e t D r e a m s

escrita por OrangeNaruto
Fanfic / Fanfiction S w e e t D r e a m s
Em andamento
Capítulos 3
Palavras 1.803
Idioma Português
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Comédia, Fantasia, Ficção, Gay / Yaoi
Como é despertar de um pesadelo? Como é a sensação de sentir que nada aconteceu e tudo que você sonhou não passava de uma mera ilusão? Eu queria essa sensação, eu queria acordar e perceber que tudo não era real, eu queria despertar, mas demorou tanto pra isso acontecer, e fui tolo o suficiente para não notar sua presença, e por isso você me castigou estando tão distante de mim.
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Rules for dating Zack Fair's sister

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction Rules for dating Zack Fair's sister
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 2.050
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Esporte, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Gay / Yaoi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
This is a little bit of a short story of Cloud having a major crush on Zack's younger cute sister, but being too shy to do anything about it and to cold to out right admit until one day when it accidentally comes out. And to make matters worse Cloud soon learns of Zack's protective side and doesn't want his best friend any where near his sister but that doesn't go according to plan and he soon lays down some ground rules. Which are a... Lot. Now let's go over those rules shall we? Starting with the first one. And that is no going out at midnight. Under any circumstances. If you do. Well... Don't make Zack angry.
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The Andriodic Clone Metamorphosis Project Part I

escrita por cloudxxstrifexx
Fanfic / Fanfiction The Andriodic Clone Metamorphosis Project Part I
Em andamento
Capítulos 1
Palavras 4.072
Idioma Inglês
Categorias Final Fantasy
Gêneros Ação, Aventura, Comédia, Drama / Tragédia, Esporte, Fantasia, Ficção, Ficção Adolescente, Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi, Gay / Yaoi, Luta, Magia / Misticismo, Mistério, Policial, Romântico / Shoujo, Saga, Suspense, Terror e Horror
Basically in this Cloud and Tifa used to have a bit of crush on eachother but they quickly and albeit fully got over it as they soon realized they just were not compatible with eachother anymore. But the two still remain close friends to this day and sometimes tease eachother about thier newfound crushes. One being an adoptive sister of Cloud Strife himself, and the other well... That will be revealed at a much, much later date. When certain things... Happen. Like Cloud dying for example. Yep, you heard right. Cloud Strife dies in this story. And very brutally to. Basically this what happens, due to complicated... Circumstances Cloud and Tifa have to pretend to be engaged until things blow over. But that just so happens to be the very thing that ends Cloud's life when an inspector comes by the bar and Cloud decides to call off the "wedding", out right admitting that he is indeed in love with someone else. A week later Zack's best friend ends up dead, and the body of the fallen ex-soldier is no where to be found. Along with a certain... Grave being emptied. Sephiroth's. Yep, you heard right. Sephiroth get's resurrected back to life to start up on a new project. The Metamorphosis Project. That takes the recently dead and dearly departed and brings them back as... Androids. With no memory or emotions tying them to thier past lives. None being successful. Except for one. Cloud Strife. However things don't according to plan when he breaks out and ends up getting mixed with the wolven genes that are being tested in the exact same lab.
And that's exactly where the story begins. Well it begins a week or two prior to that.
When Cloud not only becomes an andriod but half of a werewolf as well.
No memories. No name. No past. Where will this humaric yet angsty and very, very violent story take us?
Well let's just see, shall we?
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