1. Spirit Fanfics >
  2. Black on blue - (Armin) >
  3. Voltei e agora é pra ficar!

História Black on blue - (Armin) - Voltei e agora é pra ficar!

Escrita por: AnonymousDoll

Notas do Autor

Todos os capitulos são baseados em livros,filmes,fanfics e séries...Todos os creditos vão para as autora(es)...

Bjs de sangue da tia Anônima...

Capítulo 3 - Voltei e agora é pra ficar!

Eu voltei,agora é pra ficar...Eu cheguei em Sweet Ville..Eu sai do avião,e fui caminhando pelo aeroporto quando esbarro em alguém...

Armin-Aii,desculpa ai oh garota...

_Eu tenho nome tá!

Armin-Mas eu não sei oh retardada

Ele sai irritado...Garoto esta com ''muito bom humor''...Eu vou procurar a Ste quando vi ela parada com lagrimas nos olhos observando um casal...Serio quando a Ste fica assim ela fica meio creepy...Quando ela viu os dois se beijando ela saiu correndo..Eu tentei ir até ela só que acabei perdendo ela de vista...Quando eu a encontrei ela estava na calçada chorando,eu me sento do seu lado...

_Não fica assim...

Stephanie-Como não?Ele foi o garoto que eu mais amei na vida!!

_Não vale apena você chorar por ele...Passado é passado não é?

Stephanie-É verdade...

Eu seco suas lagrimas e ajudo ela a levantar...Fomos caminhando até chegar no apartamento que ela comprou...A Mary ficou em New York com a Ivy e o Castiel...A gente entra no apartamento ela me mostra o meu quarto...

Eu vou pro banheiro e vou pro box e vou tomar minha ducha e começo a cantar:

If you weren't born with it

You can buy a couple ornaments

Just be sure to read the warning kids

'Cause pretty soon you'll be bored of it

(Ha, ha)



Hey girl, if you wanna feel sexual

You can always call up a professional

They stick pins in you like a vegetable

(Ha, ha)


Kids forever, kids forever

Baby soft skin turns into leather

Don't be dramatic, it's only some plastic

No one will love you if you're unattractive


Oh, Mrs. Potato Head tell me

Is it true that pain is beauty?

Does a new face come with a warranty?

Will a pretty face make it better?

Oh, Mr. Potato Head tell me

How did you afford her surgery?

Do you swear you'll stay forever?

Even if her face don't stay together

(Even if her face don't stay together)


If you want a little more confidence

Potatoes turn to french fries, yeah, it's common sense

All you need's a couple more condiments

And a hundred thousand dollars for some compliments

(Ha, ha)


It's such a waste

When little girls grow into their mothers face

But little girls are learning how to cut and paste

And pucker up their lips until they suffocate

(Ha, ha)


Kids forever, kids forever

Baby soft skin turns into leather

Don't be dramatic, it's only some plastic

No one will love you if you're unattractive


Oh, Mrs. Potato Head tell me

Is it true that pain is beauty?

Does a new face come with a warranty?

Will a pretty face make it better?

Oh, Mr. Potato Head tell me

How did you afford her surgery?

Do you swear you'll stay forever?

Even if her face don't stay together


Stay forever, stay forever

Even if her face don't stay together

Stay forever, stay forever

Even if her face don't stay together


Oh, Mrs. Potato Head tell me

Is it true that pain is beauty?

Does a new face come with a warranty?

Will a pretty face make it better?

Oh, Mr. Potato Head tell me

How did you afford her surgery?

Do you swear you'll stay forever?

Even if her face don't stay together


Stay forever, stay forever

Even if her face don't stay together

Stay forever, stay forever

Even if her face don't stay together

Stay forever, stay forever

Even if her face don't stay together

Stay forever, stay forever

Even if her face don't stay together - Mrs. Potato Head - Melanie Martinez

Eu termino meu banho pego meu pijama é vou dormir...Mas antes eu coloco meu despertador pra tocar...Eu começo a pensar em uma musica...Que eu mesma compus...Eu acho ela linda!

I can hold my breath

I can bite my tongue

I can stay awake for days

If that’s what you want

Be your number one


I can fake a smile

I can force a laugh

I can dance and play the part

If that’s what you ask

Give you all I am


I can do it

I can do it

I can do it


But I’m only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I’m only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I’m only human


I can turn it on

Be a good machine

I can hold the weight of worlds

If that’s what you need

Be your everything


I can do it

I can do it

I'll get through it


But I’m only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I’m only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I’m only human


I'm only human

I'm only human

Just a little human


I can take so much

'Til I've had enough


'Cause I’m only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I’m only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I’m only human- Human - Christina Perri


Notas Finais

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