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  2. Boyish girl >
  3. That boy

História Boyish girl - That boy

Escrita por: Melody_ZnZ e Dadushi

Notas do Autor

Sorry for late uptade..
Read it ..it will get much better

Capítulo 3 - That boy

He was tall,handsome,curly haired which made me pay more attention to him. He was wearing a black shirt, black trousers, black shoes,it looked like he came from the funeral or something.Teacher's next words made my eyes wide open "So Jack you can go sit next to Melody Santiago" what?me?why?the answer was clear: THE SEAT NEXT TO ME WAS THE ONLY VACANT SEAT.

"Melody why aren't you doing what I told you?" The teacher asked me. "What should I do Ma'am?" I replied in a polite way "Raise your hand" "sorry I was lost in thoughts" I said when raising my hand "Becareful next time you will be lost in principle's office" she said trying to annoy me, these words made some of the students laugh but I didn't give a shit....

He came towards to me, let's say to the seat next to me and after a minute he was sitting next to me. "HI" he said ...what, did he just talk to me..? .."H-hello" I replied in a sheepish way and then I ran my fingers through my crew cut hair which made him giggle .."hey why did you laugh" "I didn't" he lied in a serious way.. The rest of the class followed by deafening silence between me and him..but sometimes I felt  his deep brown eyes on me so I was so uncomfortable that I couldn't listen to the teachers stupid lesson about frogs.

Notas Finais

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