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  2. Cat Wonderland >
  3. I - First

História Cat Wonderland - I - First

Escrita por: Luck_33

Notas do Autor

Nothing to say.

Capítulo 1 - I - First

Fanfic / Fanfiction Cat Wonderland - I - First

You are a girl in your room's window, looking at the street. You have brown long hair and light blue eyes. Your name is Alice. In the street, you sees a black cat. 

You absolutely loves cats. The cat seems to be looking straight at you, asking you to follow him. You run downstairs and tell your mom, a happy and calm woman, you're going out for a bit. You grab your coat -we are in winter, and it's snowy- and open the door, waving your mom, -Mrs. Wonder- goodbye. 

Once you're out, you look at the black cat with his beautiful red eyes. The cat starts walking, and you -who is actually 16- follow it, determined to pet a cat once a day.

The cat keeps going and soon the landscape starts changing, but you're so focused on petting the cat you don't notice. Now, instead of a country city, you're walking towards a cliff. The only thing visible beyond that cliff is complete darkness. Normally, you could've seen the sea, and if you're lucky, some dolphins. But it is late at night, and you can't see anything beyond that cliff. 

The cat walks and prepares to jump from the cliff, but you hold him before he does. The cat looks at you with an angry face-

Wait. Do cats have angry faces?, you wonder. You're known at your school for wondering about everything and being extremely curious. That isn't always a good thing, though. You don't have any friends. 

The cat looks at you with that angry face and you stare, wondering. You wonder why would the cat be angry. You just saved his life!

-I'm sorry if I scared you, kitty-cat. -you say, and put him on the ground again, being followed by the surprise look of the furry thing- I just wanted to pet you.

Great., you thinks, turning around to leave, Now cats have surprise expressions too.

The cat meows and you turn again. You were quite satisfied just touching the furry kitty, but in your mind, it is asking for more. You sit on the ground and start petting the cat, which doesn't seem happy at all. The cat scratches your hand and looks at you, really angry. Suddenly, the black cat starts transforming and becomes taller and taller. 

The kitty cat in front of you now was a boy, seeming to have your age. 

What the f*ck!, please don't think such a thing. Well, you're just a teenager. Of course you would think some words like that.

-Is this some kind of joke? -the grumpy boy looks at the cliff, waiting for an answer.

-Are we talking to the cliff? -you seem extremely confused, you still haven't got up yet- Why are you a boy?

-Hey! Answer me! -the boy with black hair and red eyes looks at the cliff, seeming to be really angry- This is a mistake, right?

-Hello, Mr.Cliff! -you smile with your eyes closed, expecting all this to be a dream- How's your day been so far?

The boy/cat looks at you with anger and tells you, violently, to stand up.

-What are you staring at? Stand up! -he shouts.

You quickly stand up and look at the boy, still confused.

-Yato where are you?! -he shouts at the cliff again- Stop ignoring me! Is this a stupid joke?!

-Oh, I guess the cliff's name is Yato. -you smile again, trying to understand what is happening- Well, Mr.Yato, the wether is quite good this night, right? 

-Shut up! -the cat boy shouts at you again, making you feel scared- Would you come here please, you piece of shit!

You were about to leave silently, but a human being appeared, coming up the cliff. He had white hair and blue eyes.

-Don't run away, my lady. -the boy had cat ears and tail too, just like the other, but they were white- I am going to save you from this terrible and rude cat.

The white cat, probably Yato, jumped towards you and grabbed your hand. He kissed the back of your hand and made a reverence.

-Haha, funny, so funny, now erase her memory and lets go get the real chosen one. -the black said, with the same angry face.

-We must keep her with us, if she came with you, she is the chosen one, Haru. -said Yato, with a faint smile on his face.

-She came to pet me, Yato. -he fought back- She isn't the chosen one.

-"Why", isn't the question, Haru. -Yato kept the same smile and turned to look at Haru. He was taller then he looked like- If she came, she is the chosen one. May I ask your name, my lady? 

Yato turned back to you. 

-Alice. Alice Wonder. -you answered, looking at him with a confused expression.

-We will explain everything to you once we are there. -Yato grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, then he jumped towards the sea- Shall we?

You screamed scared as you fell down, but suddenly, a voice in your head makes you stop yelling.

There was once a rabbit hole. Now, there is a cat hole.
Once you jump on it, there is no coming back.
Keep that in mind, little girl.
You will jump anyway. You are the chosen one.
And now it's done. Good luck in your new wonderland, Alice.


Notas Finais

Hope you liked it.
Comment please!

Cami ^^

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