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  2. Cat Wonderland >
  3. II - Second

História Cat Wonderland - II - Second

Escrita por: Luck_33

Notas do Autor

Hihi~ I'm back
Sorry for taking so long, it's just because posting this was an accident, and only one person comented, so I wasn't in a big rush :v
Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter!

~See ya

Capítulo 2 - II - Second

-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? -you shouted, holding Yato after that voice in your head quieted down- I'M GOING TO DIE! I'M SO YOUNG! I LOVE YOU MOM!

-Huh, and me? -Yato said calmly, as you fell- You don't love me?

-YOU'RE KILLING M- -you stopped talking when suddenly the night wasn't night anymore.

The darkness was replaced by a beautiful and sunny day. Now you could see the sea the beautiful blue sea. 

Yato -the white cat/boy with blue eyes (just like the sea you were flying above)- held you stronger and "jumped" back on the cliff.

-Y-You can fly? -you were still scared when your feet touched the ground.

-Hmm, something like that. -his ears shook a little bit and his tail waved.

-Yeah, sure. -said Haru ~the black cat/boy with red eyes~- Yato, we need to erase her memories, stop this joke right now. 

-It's not a joke, Ha-chan. -Yato winked at the boy, who made an annoyed face.

-Please don't call me like that. -he said, but was ignored.

-Excuse me, but what the f*ck is happening?! -you weren't thinking anything else except that, and--

Wait a minute. I'll have to talk with the writer later. You think to much dirty words. 

-My lady, your vocabulary is so rebel. -he smiled- I like it.

-I'm afraid that does not answer my question! -you're not rude like that normally. Just a little nervous.

-Come with me, my lady. -Yato grabbed your hand and  walked towards a small city constituated by a dozen of houses and a castle.

-Hey, Yato! -Haru screamed and ran to them- Are you serious about this? 

-I couldn't be less serious. -he answered, but smiled.

Haru protested all the way to the city, but Yato simply ignored him. You were confused and nervous, wondering if it was all a dream. That's a hell of a dream!, you thought. Yato held your hand all the way to the city, while you looked at the landscape and sighed.

-I'll lead you to my castle, my lady. -Yato explained, while you walked through some "persons"- Haru, call the others!

Haru started whispering some things, but the other one looked at him and he shut his mouth. You thanked Yato mentally because Haru is extremely annoying.

The houses weren't big, like a medium cottage. They were country-like wooden houses, with a chimney and a small window on the door. 

The castle wasn't big either, just like three of those houses, with one tower in the middle and a big door. All the citizens you could see were boys, and all of them had cat ears and tail. You saw one or two cats too. Next to the castle there was a small path that leaded somewhere you would go later, in the forest.

All of the boys looked at you with admired and suprised faces. You didn't understand if they were looking at you or Yato. No matter how many times you looked at him, Yato was a gorgeous.... person? Cat? You don't really know yet. You don't know anything.Yet.

The castle's doors openned and you enterred the castle. The floor was made of wood, as everything there. The only light came from the windows, which showed a beautiful and shiny forest. Birds flew around the sky and children (half cat, half human, as always) ran and played. You didn't really pay much attention, but it also seemed like all of them were boys. In the middle of the entry hall there was a huge wooden table, with (also wooden..) chairs around it. 

-Please take a sit, my lady. -said Yato, oferring a place for you.

You hesitaded. Your mom always told you to not follow or listen to strangers. But it was a cat!, you thought. 

You made a mental note to never follow cats anymore.

You sat and sighed, waiting. Yato sat next to you and smiled again.

-May I start the explanation? -he asked, looking straight into your eyes.

-Y-Yes... -his eyes were captivating, and you couldn't stop thinking about them.

-A long, long time ago, a girl, Alice, followed a rabbit in the depths of a forest. Why she followed him, I don't know; but I know that she did. And she fell down the rabbit's hole. She fell in wonderland. She was a good, good person. She was curious. She started an adventure through her wonderland, and met several kinds of creatures. But she didn't want to leave. She started being a selfish and egoistic person. She destroyed and emprisonned all the wonderland's happiness, because they all wanted her to leave. She killed and enslaved the poor creatures, except one of them, because she couldn't: the Cheshire Cat. He ran away and created another dimension, another wonderland. This place is the wonderland he created. This place also has its own Alice. 

You are our Alice. Will you save us or destroy us? Our dimension is failling. You are the only that can save us. What will you do?


Notas Finais

I like doing short chapters, hehe
Sorry... Hehe :3
I don't feel really sorry, though, hehe
Comment plz! <3

Cami ^^

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