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  3. If you jump...

História Catch Me Now I'm Falling - If you jump...

Escrita por: MissLoner

Notas do Autor

Bom, já deve ter uns dez anos que escrevi isso. Era fanfiction, mas transformei em original. Praticamente nada mudou. Enfim, deu vontade de postar isso. Ainda que não me identifique mais com isso. Realmente, acho que eu era um ser bem zoado.
Ah, sim. Tá em inglês.

Imagem achei no Google, sei lá de quem é. Ela retrata os Cliffs of Moher, na Irlanda.

Capítulo 1 - If you jump...

Fanfic / Fanfiction Catch Me Now I'm Falling - If you jump...

Catch me now I’m falling

She ran. Like never before she was running, as the tears fell down freely over her now red cheeks. Her eyes were blurry, she could hardly see a thing in front of her. It was dark, however, the only light to light her path to the unknown was that of the full moon. It was a beautiful night, despite the thin clouds covering the stars, but why would she care? Why would anyone care if she cared? Why would anyone care  if she was hurt? Why would anyone care that all she wanted was a way out? Why would they care if she jumped?
She reached there, and supported the weight of her body on her hands placed upon the stone ledge. Sighing loud and breathing hard, still with tears falling down her cheeks, now touching her hands. She looked up to the view in front of her, the Atlantic ocean. The cold, strong wind was sending shivers through all her warmed body as her hair was loosely flying.
Her sobs stopped, and she pondered what she would do. She felt scared, nervous, almost numb. Biting her lower lip, she climbed on the stone ledge and got down on the other side. In front of her only the sea, the reddish sky, and a few meters of lawn till the edge of the cliff.
She sighed hard again, sitting herself on the stone ledge. What was she waiting for? There was nothing left for her in this life, if ever there was something. She knew what she had to do, she knew what she wanted to do, but instead, she waited. She waited for a miracle that would never come.
Another silent tear made its way down her face, she wouldn’t bother to wipe it away. Leaning further back on the stone, she lifted her legs, holding it tight with her arms, and contemplating the view, for the last time. The sound of waves crashing about 120m down to the cliff’s bottom was at the same time making her nervous and calming herself down. Her head lifted, her eyes gazing the sky searching for a star, but none was seen. The clouds only allowed the full moon to show itself, lighting the dark and cold night on the Cliffs of Moher. A place this girl loved long before even visiting it for the first time.
The chilling wind was drying her tears fast, as she blocked any thoughts that insisted popping into her head. She was done thinking, she was done pondering, she was done with her life. All that was left was pain in her heart. The sound of the waves and the clouds flying over the moon was all she cared to pay attention in, for a brief moment of contemplation.
But the peacefulness was broken as she heard the smooth car engine coming closer and its lights overcoming the moon’s. She did not dare looking back to see who that could be, all she did was sigh quietly, lowering her head and her feet. Her gaze was on her own hands intertwined themselves in front of her, and the sound of the car engine went finally dead. However, the light was still on on her back.
She wanted to think no one had seen her, and soon, whoever that was, would leave. But she knew better, she knew she was noticed, but she still wished they would leave.
Her hope for that vanished as the car door was opened, and it sounded to be nearer than she had imagined. With another sigh, she forced herself to turn her head and check out who was disturbing her moment. The lights were slightly blinding her, and she could barely face him. She lifted her hands up to cover it from her eyes so she could take a good look at the guy, standing out of his car, but with the door open and one of his hands were placed on the door and the other on the car’s roof.
“Who are you?” he asked, seemingly surprised to see someone in this spot at this time of night.
The girl turned her head around again, facing the ocean. Shrugging she said, “Does it matter?”
The guy said nothing, probably gave up saying what he intended. He closed the car door and walked to its front. Feeling the chilling wind, he sat there between the two lights and crossed his arms “What are you doing here?”
“Does it matter?” She kept her answer, in a low and firm voice. The tears had gone, the sobs had gone, only the pain was still there.
“Not really,” he honestly said shrugging, then tucking his hands on his coat pockets and looking up at the sky. She looked back at him, surprised by his honest answer. “No stars,” he commented, turning his gaze at the girl not far from him.
“I noticed,” with a half-smile she said, still gazing the lad, then looked up in the cloudy sky.
He walked closer to her, and when he was only a few inches away, he took his right hand off his pocked and stretched to her “I’m nobody, if it matters,” he had a weak smile over his lips.
She looked from his hands up to his eyes “Well, it doesn’t matter,” but she shook his warm hand lightly. “I’m no one, by the way.”
He then climbed on the stone ledge and jumped on the other side, sitting by her side and then looking at nowhere in front of them, the same spot she searched for something interesting to be looking at.
They both kept silent for a long moment, as it seemed. Just contemplating  the beautiful view they had in front of them, although it all seemed meaningless. Life seemed meaningless.
“So,” he started, cleaning his throat before continuing, “it’s pretty chilly in here.”
“Lacking a better chat, let’s talk about the weather then,” she said sarcastically, not even turning to look at him. However she could feel he was looking at her.
“Sorry about that. As you said, for a lack of a better chat…” he shrugged.
“Why are you here?” She asked him in a tone as if she knew him all her life. Only she did not. He could be a ghost or a demon for all she knew or cared.
“Honestly, does it matter?” It was his turn to shut himself, he didn’t know if he wanted to talk why he was really there. He did not know if he wanted to open up to anyone else anymore. And to be honest, he didn’t think she would care anyway.
“No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t matter why you came to the cliff at 3am wanting to be alone. It doesn’t matter that no one really cares about you. It doesn’t matter that you just wanted to run away and be alone, and don’t bother anyone anymore.” She talked as if  releasing a ton from her shoulders, and stopped when she felt the tears threatening to fall from her eyes and her voice start to shake. It was better to shut up then.
“Were you trying to guess about me, or talking about yourself?” He realised it was too honest to be a guessing, he could feel the despair in her words, and could relate to that, as he could be saying almost the exactly same thing.
She sighed, “pretty much about me,” and looked at him briefly, smiling half-hearted.
He smiled apologetically back at her, “I was just driving, going nowhere, when I realized I was coming to the cliff. And when I was approaching here that I saw you, and since then I’m wondering why are you here. And I’m afraid of asking if you had the intention on jumping…” he bit his lower lip as watching her gaze drop untill she was staring to his feet.
She nodded, unable to face the stranger. She could sense the awkward silence falling over them, and she just did not feel like saying anything.
“I wish I could understand why so much shit happens,” he finally said, with his low and husky voice, in a tone of understanding. She nodded once again, still staring at his feet.
“And what kind of shit happened for you to be here?” She turned her gaze to his eyes, with sympathy showing on her own. She couldn’t bring herself to smile properly, a half-smile had to do for now.
“Loads,” he said with a sad smirk while nodding. She kept her stare on his eyes, not allowing him to break the contact. “It’s just, people pretending they care about you when they truly don’t. People think they know me for whatever reason I might have given. I’m just tired of pretending I’m okay when I’m not, when I feel like screaming and running to jump down a cliff!” As he finished, he had tears falling over his cheeks.
She felt sorry for him, she felt sorry for herself for being tired the same way he was. She felt sorry for the people ruining other people’s lives not even realising it. 
He was sobbing looking to his own feet as his tears ran free. She, unsure, placed her arms over his shoulder. She felt awkward for what he would do, but he welcomed her caring gesture and laid his head on her shoulder, as her other hand made its way up to his head, caressing the back of his head for comfort. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist, his hand strongly holding her coat and he allowed himself to cry his heart out. She cried as well, she just couldn’t help her tears from falling over her cheeks and on his forehead, where her head was resting. All she knew at that moment was they needed each other and they needed that embrace.
After a long moment, they had stopped crying, and even sobbing. But still they had their arms around each other, facing the last minutes of the night sky, as the sun started to rise behind their backs. The view was still beautiful, and now they could see the beauty through their pain. They could hear now not only the waves crashing, but also the morning birds singing, and the sound of each other’s breath, due to their closeness.
“Hey,” she said in a low voice, unsure if he was awake, despite the discomfort from the stone ledge they were sat for hours.
“Yes,” he answered, lifting his head so his eyes met hers, a small glint appearing in both of them.
“If you jump…” she turned to look at the cliff’s edge, then back at him “…I jump.”

The End.

Notas Finais

Okay, é isso.
Como eu era depressiva! Sabe-se lá como, essa fase passou, ainda que a vida ainda seja uma merda por vários momentos. Mas acho que aprendi a transformar essa merda em adubo, e carry on.
É o que temos pra hoje.
Beijinhos iluminados.

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