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  2. Don't cry >
  3. He'll be coming

História Don't cry - He'll be coming

Escrita por: Renata_Maila

Notas do Autor

Annyeong gafanhotos!

(A história é em inglês, mas tô falando pt-br, sim! Me julguem u.u )
Para treinar a minha escrita em inglês, decidi fazer drabbles - as verdadeira mesmo- porque, embora eu entenda tudo, ainda bugo na hora de escrever.
Agradeço ao meu beta-reader, miguxo do core, Rafael que vai me helpar kkkkk

Boa leitura!

Capítulo 1 - He'll be coming

Fanfic / Fanfiction Don't cry - He'll be coming

- Don't cry. 

- Why not?

- Santa Claus doesn't give gifts to children who cry.



 Yugyeom whispers because Bambam was right. The newest one collected his tears and stayed sniffing. 


 The two little boys kept on looking over the street. The night was getting colder and colder, soon it would start to snow. Both approached each other to take away the cold.


  Bambam put his hands on his stomach because it was hurting a lot; Yugyeom and Bambam are starving. However, the people that were passing by them didn’t give any attention. Maybe they were busy with the Christmas shopping or it's simply because two little and beggars kids don't deserve attention due the they dirty and poorness – according to the opinion of the rich people.


It was starting to snow. Yugyeom and Bambam got up and started to walk. Both went to the alley, to their "house" - that was a large cardboard box with tattered blankets. Lay down, in front of each other, to heat themselves. Sleeping was the best choice instead of eating. One more day had passed and both of them haven’t eaten.



- Sorry for my crying...  - Yugyeom apologized with tears in his eyes - Santa Claus hadn’t come because of me.

- Don't worry, Yug. Maybe he's late due to others kids, but soon he'll come to us.

Notas Finais


Tristinho, né? Sorry...
Mas é forma de fazer-nos pensar em nossos murmúrios diários que, muitas vezes, são desnecessários. #reflitam

Ah, as drabbles em inglês não serão somente do got7, outros grupos também aparecerão.
Espero que essa minha ideia/iniciativa possa ser aproveitosa para vocês que querem treinar seus inglês pros oppa kkkkkk


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