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  2. Hey bae. >
  3. Only One Chapter.

História Hey bae. - Only One Chapter.

Escrita por: cmAce

Notas do Autor

I don't mind that my words come to your ears, like the smooth wind passing by.

Capítulo 1 - Only One Chapter.

 ̶H̶ey, babe, don't worry,

i̤'̤l̤l̤ ̤m̤a̤k̤e̤ your loneliness fade,

erasing your past, and rewriting our future.

Nothing will ever be the same.


Your love don't blindfold me.

Alluring beauty, is the way to describe,

cause  ̶b̶ae, you're most beautiful than a cherub,

i wanna stare my eyes on you, for eternity.


Feeling the cooling breeze,

recalling your words, from all days.

Sitted on the shore,

just loving you, and agonizing that you aren't here.


Then i realize, in my face, a smile.

You're here, you've always been.

So baby, don't cry, i'll be there too,

doubt gravity pulls us down, but never doubt on me.

Notas Finais

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