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  2. Love changes everything >
  3. Chapter 3

História Love changes everything - Chapter 3

Escrita por: nalla1234

Notas do Autor

not like need not be read

Capítulo 3 - Chapter 3

"What you've mad ?!" Suddenly Suho increasingly tightened his grip it, 

"Ho oh, we did Match the" Instantly the whole girls who were there screaming hysterically. However, with Suho casually walked to the school buildings, even not intend to loosen the grip of it. Once inside the building, lay straight draw Suho get into the club room because it was the

how does the already skewed what ?! you poison times huh ?! 

"lay venting his anger to Suho." Yes it already I say .. It's been 3 years I like it at you. already anyway what's the problem?" Suho casually sitting in a chair, staring lay as if she did not do anything wrong.

" Yes .. I .. I'm right belom accept you !!! " 

" geez so I had to wait for the answer you gave me? baseball level really does few people rich commoners like me shoot like you know

 " Iss ... are you really love me does not "

lay Shouts upset then turned, preparing to leave the club room music. Suddenly Suho lay hold hands and instantly pushed to the wall.

" Yeah I'm real love with you. So what you accept me or not?"The face Suho lay so close to the face.

Suho face lay so close to the face. At that distance, lay Suho could even smell the breath that smells of peppermint. Looks like he's been 'preparing' anything since morning. 

"I've said if I hate you. You need not expect " Because it can not lay eyes Suho, lay also turned his views to the side. 

"Hmm .. so yes? Try clay'll see you still reject me or not" grin Suho. With one hand, pull Suho then lock the door knob. And without knowing the lay Suho started to put his lips to lips lay. lay can taste peppermint past their kiss it. No matter how strong lay against, how strong heart lay to reject, everyone else would have enjoyed if poorer people who smelt it is' olfactory reliable.

Notas Finais

suggestions and criticisms received

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