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  2. Love triangle (the Dolan twins) >
  3. Ch 3

História Love triangle (the Dolan twins) - Ch 3

Escrita por: bunnyqueen15

Capítulo 6 - Ch 3

"mel." Grayson whispered shaking me awake.

"yea?" I asked rubbing my eyes. I looked at the alarm clock and it was 5 AM.

"I had a nightmare." he stuttered looking down embarrassed.

"Come here." I said. I scooted over and he laid in my arms.

I ran my fingers through his hair and cupped his face. "do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"ummmm... well, you broke up with me and kelsey divorced Ethan and Ethan started being abusive towards me." he cried.

"That's will never ever happen. I promise." I said and kissed his lips softly.

we fell asleep in each others arms. Grayson held me as close as possible.


sorry it's short..

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