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  2. Marks Dominators ( English version) >
  3. Birthday

História Marks Dominators ( English version) - Birthday

Escrita por: usuitrainer

Notas do Autor

thats the frist english version chapter?... yep... it is... soo , i mean... lets start it

Capítulo 1 - Birthday

In the near future humanity was faced with an unprecedented phenomenon, born children with marks on their bodies, these marks were usually Kanji Japanese, each of these marks exuded the vital energy of their "owner", in 2110 was born the first holder a brand like that, his name was Kevin and his mark was red as fire forming the Kanji "flames" after the birth of Kevin, several other trademark holders were born after it.




Born for the first time two twins with Marks , Yoru was born with Kanji "night" in his left hand, and Asa Now, who was born with Kanji "Morning" in his right hand, was a happiness to the mother, Aoi Now it had won two special children, shedidnt  knew what would happen to them.


Tokyo- December 24, 2125


In Christmas eve  Aoi and his two sons ,Asa and Yoru, Asa had shown to have white hair and Yoru who had hair as black as night, they were going to visit a relative in the province of Hokkaido, however in train station Aoi was distracted and the white one disappeared, never to be found, there are rumors that he has been seen walking out of the station with a red-haired boy appearing 15 years.


Tokyo-2130 (currently)


P.O.V Yoru


I wake up confident, it was finally my birthday 15 years after, however I noticed it was raining, it was strange because there was a girl walking next to my house, I looked out the window, she had hair cut in the neck, black as oil, green eyes and beautiful even a thin face and a medium size nose, pale, his stature was average, looked to be about 1.60 tall and also seemed to be my age, she was dressed in jeans and blue blouse beneath a brown leather jacket that fall well after all, she looked at me like she was threatening me, as if the mere fact of my existence already this a reason to hate me, the girl was  with no umbrella but it does not seem to care much about it I continued to look at me as if I had done something against her.


I choice that I should not pay much attention , it was my birthday after all, my mother was waiting for me downstairs from our apartment, then I went to the bathroom and did my hygiene, wore a white blouse and jeans, accompanied by a black jacket, not that I am a bad boy or anything, I just like the color black, it's weird, it's like the black were a part of you.


I went downstairs and saw my mother, Aoi But that was packing my favorite food for breakfast, chocolate muffins with coffee, what's wrong? I cannot like muffins anymore? Or coffee? You must be wondering why I like something so normal? that reminds me of the darkness, I do not blame the darkness of comfort.


- Morning Yoru, Happy Birthday !!-  Said my mother half excited, I knew she was not as happy as appeared, it was also the birthday of Asa, Asa yes Now, my twin brother, he disappeared five years ago on Christmas eve, my mother and I were very shaken but never managed to find it, it was the exact opposite of me as a child, loved vanilla, milk and anything that was white, I liked my brother to tell the truth, even though we fight too I was very sad when he gone.


- Thank you - said getting up and my phone vibrated in a strange way, I checked and it was a message from my best friend, Kunari Ongako, she wanted me to go to a nearby coffee to find her, to celebrate my birthday.


Left the house and went running to the cafeteria Near Café, there Kunari found on the appearance she has long hair color of honey, a dark brown eyes that reminds me chocolate milk, is between 1.70 and 1.80 high , pink lips and a medium size nose, I have to admit she is very beautiful.


- Aye!!  Happy Birthday Yoru- The girl said with a smile, she was sitting at a table in the cafeteria corner.


- Kunari ... - I said looking at the girl who was drinking a cappuccino.


- Whats up? - Said Kunari getting up and going to hug me, she's my friend since we had seven years, everyone felt uncomfortable around me and my brother to have marks on our bodies, everyone saw us as freaks, until we met her, Kunari Ongako, daughter of famous musician Fukihiro Ongako, she was the first person to be our friend .I remember  the first time she looked at me like I was a real person and not an aberration, she did not seem to care about that actually, it was our first friend, me, her and my brother were playing together a lot before he disappeared.


- More or less, I do not know what I feel, if I'm gay for my birthday or I'm sorry for birthday Wing. - Said a little downcast, she understood the idea, looked at me with a solidary look and said:


- I think you should forget your brother once in life and be happy,  it’s your birthday  at all!! - said the girl trying to cheer me up but it does not work very well.


- Do you think he might be alive? - I asked still crestfallen.


- I do not know ... anything could have happened, maybe it has been adopted by another family and be around, and maybe ... it is not in the world of the living - he said Kunari and a tear fell from my eye, one simple tear carrying all those feelings, I wonder why my brother had disappeared that day, and I could not do anything, I was distracted with the movement of people and did not see him leaving close to my mother.


Kunari then hugged me tightly, she understood me, she'd welcomed me from the seven years, I felt that she understood all my feelings.


- Yoru ... we received an invitation to enter a boarding school, a boarding school called DIM... Deriyuki Institute Megumi, I think it would be nice to go there, say it is a special college for people with Marks. Kunari said hugging me, I was trying to control my tears still a little shaken.


- But ... you do not have a mark. - Said Kunari and whispered in my ear:


- I was born with, however in a difficult place to look should be why you never noticed.


I was shocked, the Kunari had a mark somewhere, so she could enter the DIM  and live there with me until we complete the average education, would be perfect boarding school just for people like me, I could have friends and could have a social life an ordinary teenager.


- Good classes will start next week so ... I think you better start getting ready – Said Kunari winking at me and I managed to drop a smile, the life I always dreamed to come.

Notas Finais

and thats it.... now you that dont know portuguese can read it

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