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  2. Medusa's accident >
  3. Leaving

História Medusa's accident - Leaving

Escrita por: Lalala24

Notas do Autor

Hi guys. I will try to make my chapters get longer from about two chapters from now. Not a promise but a goal. Enjoy.

Capítulo 4 - Leaving

It took me a while to grasp the concept of this. But when I did the next thing I knew I was running in and out of doors and telling them the news. Not before long the news had been spread and everyone was ready to go. We packed our vehicles which could no longer be counted as modern day. As soon as we had started to leave the ground shook and started breaking under our feet as we desperately tried to get by. What was happening and was this the end of us?

Notas Finais

If you like this book you will most likely...No DEFINETLY like @mariamacothess book rainy days.

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