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  2. My lover >
  3. School..

História My lover - School..

Escrita por: Ememlove1820

Notas do Autor

I forgot wut I wrote into he past while so sine things might seem a little odd

Capítulo 13 - School..

Fanfic / Fanfiction My lover - School..

Lacy P.O.V

I woke up all tired. I looked at my phone 


"Oh shoot I'm gonna be late for school!"

I yelled at myself and grabbed my crutches and changed into some clothes.

I was wearing a sweater (Unicorns. Duh.)

And some jeans. I filed the right jeans and tied it cause I have no leg there so....

I walked downstairs so slowly. Even a turtle can go faster. But I guess I need to be causeous tho.

I got some cereal  (Captain Crunch) and ate. I looked at my phone again.


Oh shit. I'm gonna be late for school!

I hurried and ran but walked in my crutches to school. Cause again I have no left leg. 

As I reached the entrance I saw people staring at my with empathy. But the most stare is sadness I got was Jason. In his wheelchair.

"Oh great another shitty day that's a disaster waiting to happen." I said just as maddie walked in.

Maddie: "You ready?"

Me: "As I'll ever be."

Notas Finais

Idk wut to say... so PEACE

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