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  2. Phanfiction-Dan and Phil's official Fanfic! >
  3. The starting of their Youtube

História Phanfiction-Dan and Phil's official Fanfic! - The starting of their Youtube

Escrita por: oshark_425

Capítulo 1 - The starting of their Youtube

One day, a long while of years back, there was a boy. His name was Dan. His best friend, Phil was the funny of the two, while Dan w as more logical, and good looking. Anyways, let's not get off track... Dan decided to start his first video with "Hi...My name is Dan"... A little original? Phil is just bored, so he decides to make one about his day. This chapter seems very dumb, but trust me, it will get WAY more interesting.

Notas Finais

Read the next chapter...Coming soon!

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