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  3. The whiskers come with in

História Phanfiction-Dan and Phil's official Fanfic! - The whiskers come with in

Escrita por: oshark_425

Capítulo 3 - The whiskers come with in

Fanfic / Fanfiction Phanfiction-Dan and Phil's official Fanfic! - The whiskers come with in

Dan asked Phil what should be "their YouTube" thingy-ma-bobber? Phil said it should be drawing something on their faces with sharpie markers. Dan agreed, he suggested BLACK and ONLY BLACK! Phil agreed. Then, a cat randomly walked into the room, and scratched off Phil's skin, in a pattern of three lines on each cheek, and a circle on the nose. Phil said "CAT WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?! NOW IM SCARED KF CHEESE!!!" Dan just laughed. Then Phil got an idea, "WE SHOULD DRAW CAT WHISKERS ON OUR FACES!!!" Dan said "THAT IS THE ONLY THING WE CAN THINK OF SO... I guess so..." That is when they drew their first, sexiest, whiskers in BLACK Sharpie. They went to sleep...

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