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  3. Chapter 1 •Meeting me•

História Rainy Days - Chapter 1 •Meeting me•

Escrita por: mariamchothiaxx

Notas do Autor

●●Hello . Thanks for reading my book . It means so much , u guys are so kind .... Hope u enjoy it !!!●●

Capítulo 1 - Chapter 1 •Meeting me•

Fanfic / Fanfiction Rainy Days - Chapter 1 •Meeting me•

As you know my name is Emily . Emily Adison . Let me just warn you that I'm not friendly and diffenetly not kind . And if you get in my way please it'll be your last , here's an example :
I was walking in the park in Manhattan (I just moved here like three hours ago) when a girl , about ten , bumped in  me so I said "Get out of my way !"
She looked at up at me and in a watery voice replied " Sorry. " , so I said " Just get out of my way!!"
I pushed her away and she started to cry but I never care.
See I'm mean.
Anyway that same day when I went home my mum , Candy Adison , was in the kitchen making her famous pasta.
" Mum it smells so good !" I said
"Thanks ,  would you like to try one ? " she asked
"Diffenetly." I can never say no to food .
Remember when I said I was completely mean well sometimes , mostly with my family , I can be kind.
"Emily wanna play soccer ???" My brother came racing in the kitchen. Did I mention that I'm not your preppy teen girl , I'm more on the rebel side .
"Nah , sorry Bro but I'm tired." I replied
"Kay!" He said
I went up to my new room , shut the door and went to sleep.
I love sleeping.

Notas Finais

●●Thanks for reading it . I know it's not that good but I promise the book gets better ... seriously . Anyway I hope you liked it ... I will be updating more chapters but not everyday !!!●●

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