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  2. Rainy Days >
  3. •Me and you•

História Rainy Days - •Me and you•

Escrita por: mariamchothiaxx

Notas do Autor

●●This is going to be a super awesome chapter . 217 views . Yes this book got 217 views thank u guys so much . Comment if u would like me to write a new book once in done with this one . Read and enjoy●●

Capítulo 22 - •Me and you•

Fanfic / Fanfiction Rainy Days - •Me and you•

Today I was going to Blakes house and since he lives close to the school we decided to walk to his house .
"Wow I can't believe you did that to Justus ." Blake exclaimed as we walked to his house .
"Well I wasn't going to let you beat up my ex , now was I ?" I said
He put a arm around me and said "You one fierce girl , Emily ."
"Is that a bad thing ?" I asked
"No that's an amazing thing , one of the things that make me love you ." He  lifted my chin up and gave me a cute little smile , I smiled back .
"You make me laugh !"  I laughed as he opened his front door .
"Mum I'm home and Emily is with me !" Blake shouted . His mum came out from the kitchen she is a elegant women who to me looks like she's 21.
"Hi Emily so nice to see you !" She shaked my hand .
"Now let's go ." Blake pulled me up to his room . Once we were up he locked his door .
I took out my books and started my work .  He came and slammed them shut .
"Hey !!" I pushed him away but he just came to sit next to me again .
"We not doing work are we ??" He asked
"We are because if you haven't noticed I'm on thin ice and I have to do it ."  I opened my books again .
"We'll do it later ." I gave him a questioning look and he added "I promise and if we don't you can break up with me !"
"I'll never break up with you ." I closed my books and squeezed his cheeks . He pushed me down on the bed and smiled "I know you won't . I'm too kind !"
"No you not ." I pushed him of me but he just rolled me over .
"Blake no!" I said and tried to get up .
"Why?" he asked pushing me down firmer .
"Because I said so . So get of me !"  I punched him in the stomach
"Fine but don't punch me again because you hit hard !!" He got off me .
"Thank you !"  I kissed him on the cheek and walked over to the desk to get my phone .
I need to listen to music .

Notas Finais

●● I might update another Chapter today and I have to say that this chapter Is not going to have credits so sorry . Comment if u ship Blake and Emily and add me as a friend . Bye ●●

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