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  2. Struggle >
  3. Chapter 1

História Struggle - Chapter 1

Escrita por: nalla1234

Notas do Autor

This is yaoi #do not like do not have to read#

Capítulo 1 - Chapter 1

"Hey, you quickly here!"  


"Give your money now" 

"but I do not have the money" "cih..cepat give" 

bhuk ... bhuk ... bhuk ... 

"uhuk..uhuk .." 

"weak base poor people like you do not fit in school in school this elite like"

I just stared back tears at a glance I see sasuke I think he wanted to help me, but he just passed me with a smirk on his lips perch. and then everything went dark I heard only an kiba yelling my call


"Well because you've fiancee" 

"you have to live in places that have been father and mother select" interrupted Kushina 

"Well, when we had to go" before I wanted to protest, sasuke already interrupted first 

"you can go at any time but the sooner the better" minato said 

"this is the address you can go there tomorrow" 

"hmm ... okay" I said resignedly

Notas Finais

#the comments and suggestions received#

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