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  3. Capítulo 1 - The Midnight Massage

História The Midnight Massage - Capítulo 1 - The Midnight Massage

Escrita por: Sopouch

Notas do Autor


Capítulo 1 - Capítulo 1 - The Midnight Massage

Fanfic / Fanfiction The Midnight Massage - Capítulo 1 - The Midnight Massage

In the lowlands in the interior of Santa Catharine, Brazil, there lived a young woman named Daniela Albuquerque who was very charming and thin. One stormy and dark night she suddenly woke up from her beauty slumber at 2 AM by the loud thunders that would roar outside. Daniela had an urge to go to the bathroom to look to the mirror once again to see if everything was right. However, before she could get to the enclosed space, she saw a greenish-blackish figure running through the corridor. A little frightened, she made her way to the bathroom at last.

The room was dark, so Daniela turned the lights on. And as soon as she did that, she felt something grab her shoulders, two strong hands holding her tightly. Little did Daniela know that she could use telepathy to communicate the stranger that started massaging her from behind with mesmerized movements. Daniela would telepathically supplicate as she would get dizzier and pleased:

–…Who are you? – She’d think, as the creature of the night would only respond

–It’s for your own good…

And that was the only thing she would remember the creature say. Not only that, but with her last strengths, Daniela quickly grabbed the dark creature’s leg. Little did she know that the monster’s leg was not thick, it was quite thin, thinner than her pinkie. She could feel this thin leg and the delicious massage that she was receiving from the dark stranger. The massage was so entrancing that Daniela started to kneel down before him as he would gently whisper telepathically:

–It’s for your own good…

The poor Daniela tried looking behind to see who it was but it was no use. She was not able to look back because the creature would not stop the massage with his fine fingers on her shoulder. So, after so many struggles, she simply fainted on the bathroom floor as she lost conscience. The next day, she woke up drooling in ecstasy on the floor and the creature was nowhere to be seen…

To these days, Daniela is still not sure if it was a dream or not, for this story is far too absurd. But one thing she’d know right, the leg was thin.

Notas Finais

More to come

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