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  2. Um show inesquecível !!! >
  3. Concerto 'v' (Finalmente)

História Um show inesquecível !!! - Concerto 'v' (Finalmente)

Escrita por: Yuu_Chann , AUasriel e LobiTheWolf

Notas do Autor

Finalmente,o momento tão esperado eue
Imagem bosta '-'
N sei fazer capas ;-;
A capa fico bugadona

Capítulo 10 - Concerto 'v' (Finalmente)

Fanfic / Fanfiction Um show inesquecível !!! - Concerto 'v' (Finalmente)

Mangle[Off] Rafael[On]

Eu estava de boas com meu fone de ouvido e minha amiga a Juh e a Hirugi,quando do nada vejo o Willian correndo pros seus 2 Bffs

- Olha o Willian e os outros vão aprontar mais uma '-'

Hiru: Vish,vish,lá vem treta

Juh: Sempre aprontam alguma -.-' ah verdade

Hiru: O que?

Juh: Parece que teremos novatos 

Hiru: Verdade? OvO

Juh: Sim... - após a Hiru ouvir esta afirmação,já começou a dar a loka

Hiru: Vamos dar ovadas nos novatos?

Juh: Sim,sim,simmmm, vamu vamuuuuuuu

- . . .

Hiru: Maverick

Juh: 87 eue

Hiru: Quer vir com a gente?

- Mais to suave aki ;-; e também isso vai dar merda

Juh: Olha quem ta vindo ai - Depois que ela fala isso olho pro lado era a Baby-senpai, a Ballora e a FunFoxy

Hiru: Juh,bora prepara as coisas

Juh: Eu estava falando zoando

Hiru: Vamo logo poha

Juh: Ta bom ta bom - então elas sairam

- O-oi Baby(Senpai)

Baby-Senpai: Ah oi ^^ - eu dei uma leve corada - Podem ir meninas vou ficar por aki

FunFoxy: Beleza 

Ballora: Adeus casalzinho

- Hã?

Baby: C-calem a boca ;~; - dei uma olhada pra ela e ela também deu uma leve corada - Pode me a fazer a lição?

- S-sim...

Rafael[Off] JuhAngel[On]

Humm...faz tempo que não vou em uma pizzaria, ou melhor anos, fiquei sabendo que ela vai reabrir, bom vou criar uma desculpa pra sair daqui

- Hey Hiru

Hiru: Oew?

-Lembrei que tenho que dar uma coisa pro Rafael,já volto

Hiru: Beleza - diz ela colocando açúcar no carrinho, sério man, ela quer fazer um bolo ou dar uma ovada?Bom depois disso sai correndo do mercado e fui até aquela pizzaria

- Hã?Vai ter um show?

??????: Sim, você já conhece a banda Brightness Dazzling?

- Não...

??????: Gostaria de ver o show deles?Vai começar daqui 6 minutos

- Adoraria *u*

JuhAngel[Off] Mangle[On]

- Certo, ta tudo preparado...hoje será um dia especial...o último dia desta pizzaria funcionar e antes de entrarmos no internato, vamos dar o vosso melhor

Tc: Pera Mang,olha a treta 'v'

Tf: Devolve meu chapéu carai

Tb: Perdeuuu, perdeuuuuuu

Tf: Daaaaaaaaaa


Tf e Tb: D-desculpe capitã

- Hunf

Eu e a Tc cantamos em dueto não vou coloca a fala da cada

Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight
And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright
We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night
Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight
And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright
We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night
Hey there!
How ya doin'?
Nice to meet you, are you new in town?
Don't think I've seen you before
It's great to see new faces around!
And if you like it
I can give a tour
Of our enchanting wonderland
New and improved without the doors!
There's no escape but then
Who would wanna leave?
It's a fantastical paradise
And it's not, make-believe!
I'm so glad to have an other member of the band
You're one of us now
So let me take you by the hand!
But what is that I spy?
With my robotic eye?
I think I see a bit of flesh inside the new guy!
Maybe he isn't everything that he seems
Time to investigate
What's underneath the seams!
Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight
And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright
We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night
Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight
And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright
We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night
The nights
If you survive the nights
Oh, I'll take you away
To our enchanting land of play
Forgive me for being suspicious
Mischief's not on my brain
We're programmed to be pragmatic
If someone messes with the mainframe
It's not that we don't trust you
We do!
(We love you too)
It's just that, here's at Freddy's
We have a few rules
And if you break them
We will have to break you
Like you broke our hearts
We'll be forced to rewire you
And repair your damage parts
Now, you wouldn't want that
And frankly, neither would I
But sometimes to do some good
You've gotta be
The bad guy!
In this world, we play
We hope that you will stay
And we will throw a most
Electifying soirée
Formal attire is required
For you to take part
You've got some skin that needs
Removing before we start
Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight
And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright
We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night
Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight
And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright
We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night
Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight
And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright
We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night
Let's try to make it right, don't wanna start a fight
And we're so sorry if we give you all a little fright
We're not so scary if you see us in the daylight
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night
I'm sure you'll survive
Just don't break the rules 
And play nice
And I'm sure we'll all get along
We'll be the best of friends



Então acenamos para todos 

- Obrigadoooooo

Quando eu foi descer do palco o Bb sem querer me empurrou me fazendo cair em cima do Foxy assim o beijando (Isso é impossível mais aqui não :v)

Mangle[Off] JuhAngel[On]

Aquele concerto foi muito foda, ele me lembrou de minha infância nesta pizzaria é algo que nunca vou esquecer...

JuhAngel[Off] Mangle[On] (denovo)

Após o concerto apesar de estarmos exaustos fomos correndo arrumar as nossas coisas e pulamos pra dentro da van foi todo mundo certinho, ainda eu estava violentamente corada com o beijo :3

Notas Finais

Vídeo da musica
Recomendo a assistir desde: 0:18 ^u^

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