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  3. 06

História We Don't Talk Anymore (Short Fic) - 06

Escrita por: luhthechris

Capítulo 6 - 06

Fanfic / Fanfiction We Don't Talk Anymore (Short Fic) - 06

She was walking up the street, dressing a baby blue dress with white shoes and a white purse. Today was supposed to be the best day of the year, was her birthday, her best friends was with her, they were going to a nice party, she had had a nice meal with her parents. But why the feeling of lonliness was kept inside of her?

She sit on the stairs of a restaurant and took her phone from the purse, opening once again the mensages that he sended to her.



 I miss you so much

I'm sorry to not be able to spend the day with you babe.


 It's okay...

you're busy with your schedule and I need to finish some projects from college.

[Sehunnie] You'll have dinner with your parents?



I made a promisse that I will always have my birthday dinner with them.


 And after the dinner?


I'll go to the apartament, none of my friends are in town and you're busy so don't make sense hang out alone.




Why are you acting so wierd?


I'm not acting wierd.


 Yes you're.


I'm just disappointed that I'll not see you.


Don't be like this, we will see eachother tomorrow.

She stopped reading and put the cellphone on the purse again. She wiped the tears that she didn't imagine that would fall and started to walk in the street again.


-Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mia, happy birthday to you- they sang while she extinguished the flames from the candles.

They was in a small cafe after go out of the club, they went there at 20 o'clock and just got out at midnight.

-Thank you guys- she said smiling.

-Happy birthday- LuHan said giving her a hug.

-Thank you Lu.

-I want to give you something, come with me- he said holding my hand and pulling me to the other side of the room.

-You don't need to give me anything, I'm happy that you came from China because of my birthday.

-Okay but I really wanted to give you this- he put a small box on her hands.

-Oh my god LuHan- she said seeing the small bracelet with a flower pendant- It's beautiful.

-Like you- he whispered.

-Thanks you didn't needed to give me a present but thanks- she said giving him a hug.

One of his hands came to her waist and the other to her neck when she was finishing the hug. He's face came closer from her and when they was supposed to be kissing she turned her face and he kissed her cheek.

-I'm sorry Lu, I'm not ready yet.

-No, no I'm sorry, I didn't think- he said letting her go- Was probabbly the drinks making their effects.

-Yeah probbably is- she said giving an uncomfortable smile- Thank you again.

She said some words to her friends and then she left the cafe going back to her apartament.

Notas Finais

LuHan I'm really sorry for what I did to you

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