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"Halt! Putting their words in a vault!
Lurkin and jerkin to tear what I’m workin on thinkin it’s getting them off
Spitting and scoff
Pick on my dreams
Thinking I'm joke and missing the ball
But what do they mean
Its going its going it going it’s gone

And now I sit down reflect and backtrack
To those wack from my past who passed trash
Who act bad who say that I'm nothing a cast
Get back in your glass house cuz not only am I something
I'm something else

Ha look at me
I will do and will succeed
If I don't, I don't care
I’ll pull down your underwear"


Usuário: Kitchen_Sink
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Kiss me on the mouth and set me free Sing me like a choir. Era fato de que George queria ser livre.
Usuário: Kitchen_Sink
Favoritei a história
História: Bite;
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Kiss me on the mouth and set me free Sing me like a choir. Era fato de que George queria ser livre.
Usuário: Kitchen_Sink
Favoritei a história
História: Bite;
História: Bite;
Kiss me on the mouth and set me free Sing me like a choir. Era fato de que George queria ser livre.